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Equine Yoga 2 Day Course

700 Canadian dollars

Service Description

If you’d like to give your horse an overhaul and revolutionize your horse’s body and see long term results, welcome to my Equine Yoga 2 Day Course where I teach you how to do yoga and osteopathic techniques on your equine friend. This course shows you how to stretch out your horse from head to hooves while releasing their fascia, giving them more range of motion, lifting their organs, bringing more bloodflow to their spine, brain, muscles and organs all while helping reverse and prevent damage or injury. When you’re done they will have more range of motion and they move better and feel better. In the beginning, it’ll take you longer to do the entire session with your horse, but the longer you do it and the more your horse gets in shape, and the faster it will go. After your horse is loosened up, the routine should take about 10mins to do everything.

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