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One day Certification Class

Would you like to look younger and feel better without surgery, injections, creams or pills?

The Access Facelift is a gentle yet powerful hands-on burnout prevention and stress management technique that works.  You'll feel so good after you'll wonder where this has been all your life.  There are so many great ways to relax like yoga or meditation, Access Facelift just does it faster, most people feel like they've done 6 hours of meditation after one 60 minute session.. and you don't have to change your clothes.    

It helps you unlock tension, resistance and dis-ease in the body by shifting energy dynamically, helping you look younger and allowing your body to feel better without surgery, injections, creams or pills.  Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the body, skin and face, and reverse the signs of aging on the face and throughout the entire body.

The Access Facelift deepens and quickens the body’s natural healing capacities.

How many judgements do you have about your face and body?  Every time you look in the mirror and judge what you see, your cells remember and lock that judgement into your face and body.  Each session of the Access Facelift gives the body a chance to change, shift and transform many limiting energies and judgements that get embedded in the face, head, chest, and body – effectively erasing cellular memory of judgement.

The Access Energetic Facelift has been reported to improve:

  • The light & luminosity of the face

  • Elasticity of the skin

  • Clarity of the eyes

  • Glow in the hair

  • Lifting of breasts and buttocks

  • Improved energy

  • Increased relaxation

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However, the benefits are not just skin deep..

The Access Facelift also works on the underlying causes of judgement and aging, helping you to look differently, act differently, feel differently and create more ease, joy and glory in your body and life.

The healing touch of one person touching another can change a person on a cellular level and help restore the body back to its natural state of self-healing, self-rejuvenation, and selfregeneration. A multitude of scientific studies have affirmed the healing power of touch.


For instance, at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, it was discovered that touch can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol, slow the heart rate and blood pressure, and even help with digestion. In addition, Dr. Matthew Hertenstein, of DePauw University in Indiana, found that touch is an incredibly important part of each person’s life and that a lack of touch can “lead to non-optimal health.”

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“I started to notice wrinkles creeping in all over my skin. I didn’t want to go down the pathway of botox as I have always preferred natural methods. A friend told me about the Access Facelift and it made sense when she said a lot of the outward appearance is a reflection of what is going on internally.


The process was so nurturing and I started to become aware of all the points of view I had about aging. Not only did I notice my skin feels more alive & softer around the lines after a treatment but I am also now aware when I start to judge my appearance. I would highly recommend this for anyone looking for a different and more gentle approach to aging! This is the ultimate feel good and look good experience.


Sarah, US

    The Access Energetic Facelift is a dynamic yet gentle hands-on body process that deepens and quickens the body’s natural healing capacities, allowing the cells of your face to reclaim their natural glow, youth and beauty.
    This process is for anyone interested in looking and feeling more energetic and youthful. The Access Facelift also can contribute to overall healing, wellbeing and ease in the body. Anyone can learn this simple technique. Learning the Access Energetic Facelift with a friend is particularly empowering, so you can gift and receive the benefits of this dynamic process on a weekly basis.The Access Energetic Facelift can also be a brilliant addition to any business working with clients and their bodies – beauty, wellness, massage, and more.
    Each session lasts around 60-90 minutes.
    There is no recommended number of sessions of Access Facelift in order to achieve incredible results and reap the full benefits of this process. (Some even report seeing changes after just one session.) However, just like going to the gym, the more you receive it, the more you will continue to look and feel better.Access Facelift doesn’t just benefit your face. This powerful practice is also constantly contributing to your body, making you feel healthy and rejuvenated, inside and out.
    The Access Facelift was created 20 years ago by Access Consciousness founder, Gary Douglas. Today, this body process is performed by over 1800 facilitators across the world. “I have had a number of skin problems for many years, including acne and pimples and generally had other facial concerns – double chin and bloated cheeks. Before my Access Facelift sessions, I had expensive salon treatments that just weren’t working! I have seen such a drastic shift in my skin since my first few Access Facelift sessions that I can only imagine how incredible it would be for someone who already has great skin! Better still, Access Facelift doesn’t just improve the appearance of your skin. For me, I noticed an improvement in my hair. My hair is now fuller and shinier than it’s ever been! ... But the best benefit I’ve seen with Access Facelift, is how it affects you inside. You fall in love with yourself and your self-esteem improves considerably, along with your perception towards aging. Now, when I look in the mirror, instead of judging and comparing myself to others, I feel like I truly love and appreciate the way I look.” – Vrinda, India
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Julie Kaukinen

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Julie helps stressed out perfectionists who struggle with chronic pain, health and digestive problems, high mental stress, depression and anxiety so they can get out of pain, feel better, sleep better, laugh more, breathe deeper and have a greater level of health, flexibility, overall joy and magic in their lives.       

Healing is an art, and Julie is able to invite and create massive change in people’s bodies, realities and their points of views about their bodies, which in turn opens up and changes their whole world. 

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Julie’s enthusiasm for bodywork, energy work and personal development are inspired by acknowledging the root causes of dysfunction, helping to reverse the problem and empowering you to know how and why it happened so you can change it.

Based in Calgary AB

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