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When people smoke cigarettes, it uses up lots of Niacin, Vitamin B3 in the body, as well as other substances.  If a person wishes to stop smoking cold turkey and they don’t supplement with Vitamin B3, they usually will end up putting on weight.  Niacin is one of the enrichments in white bread and carbs.

In addition to a Niacin B3 deficiency, it is said that each cigarette smoked burns up 25 mg of Vitamin C, B vitamins and trace amounts of Methionine, Cysteine.​​​

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  • Lobelia 1 capsule 3x/day with meals

  • Vitamin C 500mg every 2 hours Vitamin B3 Niacin no flush 1 capsule 3x/day with meals (widens blood vessels, cleans arteries, helps circulation)

  • Vitamin B complex 100mg 1 capsule 3x/day with meals (nerves, anxiety, cravings)

  • Mullein  2 capsules 2x/day with breakfast & dinner 

  • Zinc gluconate 25mg 1x/day lunch 

  • L-Methionine 500mg 3x/day

  • L-Cysteine 500mg 3x/day​

  • Go for acupuncture as often as possible 

  • Drink lots of chamomile tea, it relaxes nerves and eases withdrawal

  • Keep your hands busy.  

  • Try putting a hole into an orange and sucking out the juice.  This will keep your hands busy and also give you extra Vitamin C that is burnt up by smoking.

  • Buy a brand of cigarettes you don’t enjoy 

  • When you feel like you want to smoke, delay it by 5mins and ask yourself “Am I smoking because I want it, or am I bored?

  • Take a brisk walk or exercise

  • Practice deep breathing

  • Ask yourself “What would it take to choose beyond this and start living my life?”

  • Repeat in your head “Quitting smoking is easy, I love my body”

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Colon Cleansing every morning on empty stomach

  • Use a protein shaker half full of water with 1 tsp liquid chlorophyll, 1 tbsp psyllium, shake it together and then drink half and take 2 capsules of probiotics


Liquid Chlorophyll

  • Used for addictions, anemia, bleeding, body odour, brain, cancer, circulation, cholesterol, cold sores, constipation, digestive, emphysema, gives energy, helps fatigue, foot odour, gas & bloating, gout, bad breath, heart palpitations, intestines, liver, oxygen deficiency, pain, poisoning, spleen, detox from vaccines
    Warning: No known warnings, non toxic even in large quantities.
    1-3 tbsp of liquid 1-3x/day for most problems or 1-2 capsules daily 


Nutri-cleanse powder or psyllium

  • Used for addictions, absorbs and removes toxins in body and gut, lowers cholesterol, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, helps inflammatory bowel problems like colitis and IBS, helps weight loss, colon, liver, mucous membranes, skin  
    Warning: If you don’t drink enough water it may slow down bowel and constipate so be sure to take with plenty of water if using for the first time 


Probiotics (keep refrigerated)

  • Used for addictions, whole body health, colon health, anorexia, chemical poisoning, cold sores, constipation, diarrhea, poor digestion, yeast infections, gas & bloating, jock itch, itching, colitis, IBS, vaginitis
    Warning: No known warnings

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Lobelia (herb has lobeline similar to nicotine)

  • Used for quitting smoking, relaxes nerves, reduces cravings, abscesses, all addictions, allergies, anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, irregular heart beat, heart pain, heart attack, asthma, ADD & ADHD, backache, lowers blood pressure, bronchitis, bruises, burning feet or hands, colds, colic, congestion, convulsions, cough, cramps, spasms, painful periods, ear infection or ache, seizures, fever, swollen lymph, headache from tension, migraines, hepatitis, insomnia, kidney stones, pain, pms, poisoning, restless leg syndrome, sore throat, stiff neck, lowers heart rate, tension, tinnitus, toothache, ulcers, burning urination, detox from vaccines, wheezing
    Warning: Small doses are stimulating, large doses cause profound relaxation, not recommended for longterm use, or to be used by people who are weak, debilitated or deeply relaxed 


Vitamin B complex (try and get B 100’s, 100mg/capsule)

  • Used for brain, liver, muscles, nerves, spleen, thyroid, acne, addictions, anemia, anxiety, panic attacks, asthma, bipolar, burning feet or hands, lowers cholesterol, cramps, depression, dizziness, eczema, fatigue, grey hair, grief, hair care, hangover, heart palpitations, inflammatory bowel disorder, insomnia, memory & brain function, mental illness, nausea & vomiting, nervous exhaustion, nervousness, nerve pain, neurosis, psoriasis, restless leg syndrome, stress, tinnitus, tooth decay
    Warning: No known toxicity.  If you take prescription drugs like anti-gout, anticoagulants, anti-depressants, birth control or estrogen you may need more B Vitamins   


Vitamin B3 Niacin (get flush free kind)

  • Used for alcohol and drug addictions, brain, circulation, liver, nerves, skin, tongue, backache, lowers cholesterol, cold hands and feet, depression, diarrhea, fatigue, bad breath, migraines, stress
    Warning: Avoid high amounts if you have gout, peptic ulcers, glaucoma, diabetes, or if pregnant 



  • Used for nicotine addictions, heavy smoking or heavy drinking, aging, hardening of arteries, arthritis, anti-oxidant, reduces smokers cough, protects lungs against heavy metals, nervous system, respiratory system, skin, immune system
    Warning:  Do not take if taking high blood pressure drugs (might drop pressure too much), anticoagulants or any bleeding disorders, nitroglycerin, activated charcoal or Aralen (Malaria drug)



Vitamin C (use with Vitamin E)

  • Used for addictions, cigarette cravings, brain, circulation, immune system, intestines, liver, muscles, blood vessels, veins, skin, adrenal burnout or exhaustion, allergies, anemia, stimulates appetite, backache, bladder infection, bleeding, blood poisoning, bruises, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, colds, fatigue, free radical damage, gingivitis, infections, irritability, nosebleeds, psoriasis, rhinitis, scurvy, staph infections, stroke, loose teeth, ulcers, spider & varicose veins, warts and wrinkles  
    Warning: Not toxic, but massive doses can cause canker sores in mouth and kidney problems in some people.  Aspirin, pain killers, alcohol, anti-depressants, anticoagulants, steroids and birth control may reduce Vitamin C levels in the body. Diabetic & sulpha drugs may not be as effective when taken with Vitamin C, so take a few hours away from those drugs.  The herb rose hips is high in Vitamin C and can be taken to replace Vitamin C



  • Used for lungs, nerves, respiratory system, emphysema, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, lung and lymph congestion, croup, ear infection or ache, glands, injuries, rashes/hives, wheezing 


Zinc gluconate (most smokers are zinc deficient)

  • Used for removing heavy metals in lungs, tissue healing, brain, hair, immune system, liver, nails, pancreas, prostate, skin, stomach, taste buds, aging, anemia, appetite, hardening of arteries, cataracts, cold sores, colds, diabetes, eczema, erectile dysfunction, grey hair, hair loss, inflammation, eyes, psoriasis, loss of smell, tinnitus, wounds and sores
    Warning: relatively non toxic, daily dose over 100mg can depress immune system, copper and zinc levels should be balanced​



  • Used for nicotine addictions, aging, immune system, adrenal burnout and exhaustion, prevents getting fat in the liver, helps cholesterol, anti-oxidant, removes toxins from body, stimulates hair growth


Julie Kaukinen


Julie helps stressed out perfectionists who struggle with chronic pain, health and digestive problems, high mental stress, depression and anxiety so they can get out of pain, feel better, sleep better, laugh more, breathe deeper and have a greater level of health, flexibility, overall joy and magic in their lives.       

Healing is an art, and Julie is able to invite and create massive change in people’s bodies, realities and their points of views about their bodies, which in turn opens up and changes their whole world.  Julie has 18 years experience in herbology, certified herbal consulting, recommending and designing herb and supplement programs for clients.  She is trained and has thorough experience in western herbalism, blood analysis, contact reflex analysis, Chinese Herbal Medicine, advanced massage, corporate massage, equine massage, teaching advanced massage techniques, osteopathy, myofascial, craniosacral, visceral manipulation, applied kinesiology, Neurolinguistic programming and lastly her favourite, Access Consciousness Bars and Body Process facilitation.


Julie graduated in 2006 from Foothills College of Massage Therapy in Calgary, Alberta. Since graduating, she has been in high demand as a therapist and has continued to grow, expand and refine her craft with enthusiasm and continues to add even more magic to her tool belt.  

She has a very devoted, loyal and grateful following of clientele who continue to be fascinated by her level of intuition and body awareness with what is required for the body when it comes to bodywork, burnout prevention, stress management, herbs and supplement programs, empowerment and strengthening mental health.


Before Covid Julie was studying Equine chiropractics, acupuncture and osteopathy with Shantel Perreal of the Canadian Equine Therapy Institute in Edmonton, Alberta.  After lockdown she knew that something in her business had to change so she started doing her own online herbal consultations over zoom which opened up a whole new universe and has changed the trajectory of her business forever.  Since Covid, Julie has created a global herbal consulting business over zoom and is so grateful and is loving the diversity in her business. 


Julie is a keynote speaker in the fields of herbology, creating herbal programs, massage therapy, bodywork, anatomy, consciousness, stress, biomechanics, ergonomics, health and wellness.  She has a successful private practice in SW Calgary and is the founder of Corporate Alignment Inc. a company who specializes in corporate wellness programs using a very effective burnout prevention and stress management technique called Access Bars.  Julie has a YouTube channel called Massage à la Carte, and she recently created Neckdemic an online course about how to release your partner’s neck pain.  She also facilitates her own series of Massage Therapy education courses for lay people as well as massage therapists looking to expand what they know is possible with the body.


By acknowledging physical, biochemical, mental & energetic levels, Julie has a deep understanding of anatomy, how all systems communicate individually and as a whole.  Her in person sessions are a combination of massage, intuitive bodywork, osteopathic techniques, and body unwinding.  Her herbal sessions are very unique where Julie assesses all your organs and glands and finds out what your body has been asking for and where the holes are in your supplement program.  With energy work Access Consciousness Bars and Body Process sessions, the worst case scenario you will feel like you've had a great massage and the best case scenario your whole entire life will change for the greater.  


Julie’s enthusiasm for bodywork is inspired by acknowledging the root causes of dysfunction, helping to reverse the problem and empowering you to know how and why it happened so you can change it.


what's it like to work with julie?


What's like to work with Julie? - Julia Sotas
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What's like to work with Julie? - Julia Sotas

What's like to work with Julie? - Julia Sotas

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What's like to work with Julie? - Carmen

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Julie’s enthusiasm for bodywork, energy work and personal development are inspired by acknowledging the root causes of dysfunction, helping to reverse the problem and empowering you to know how and why it happened so you can change it.

Based in Calgary AB

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