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Unwind Pelvic Rotation in 90secs or less

  • 2 Steps


Are you a massage therapist or interested in bodywork and you’d like to be able to quickly unwind a rotated pelvis in under 90 seconds? It’s possible. All you need are 2 mini small pillows or a pair of shoes would work too. Join me for this simple yet effective technique that I developed and have taught to hundreds of people. Everyone always says what a difference they felt getting it done in under 2 minutes. This technique allows their pelvis to unwind by itself so you can create the greatest change with the least amount of effort and work smarter not harder. Another technique I love showing fellow Rmt’s is this next pelvic floor release that I do immediately after this pelvic rotation check. You can find it in my shop.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Julie’s enthusiasm for bodywork, energy work and personal development are inspired by acknowledging the root causes of dysfunction, helping to reverse the problem and empowering you to know how and why it happened so you can change it.

Based in Calgary AB

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