access consciousness™
classes & sessions with Julie
Empowering you to know that you know

What else is actually possible for you and your life that you've never even considered?
What are you looking for?
...what if it's you?
How much lighter would you feel if you didn't have to bring all that baggage from your past into your future?
What if there was a way of freeing yourself, setting yourself totally free from the critical judgement of yourself, and all the "could of, should of, would of's"?
How would you feel if that thing you've been holding over your head was gone?
What if you could have it all and design and choose your life?
How much more would you enjoy your life if you didn’t have to criticize yourself and be your own eternal jailor?
Access consciousness is like quantum physics for dummies.
Quantum physics has proven that your point of view creates your reality. What you observe, you affect. When you look at something, you're actually creating it by looking at it..
Basically, the tools of Access allow you to unstick wherever you've stuck yourself, and change anything you haven't been able to change. After 20 years in the spiritual metaphysical world I'd never seen any modality yet that compares to Access.
These simple tools are so frigin profound and effective, it makes me giggle everyday how much I love living and creating my life since finding Access to these tools and myself.
All of the tools and techniques of Access Consciousness are designed to empower you to be the greatness you are and be the greatness you came here to be and to create a life you actually like...instead of waiting to see what happens, go create it by choosing it.
There is nothing more powerful than your choice.
Access talks about living & creating your life from these 4 elements:
What question can you ask yourself to set yourself free?
What choices do you have available that no one else has?
What are the infinite possibilities for your life?
What contribution can you be and receive here?
Most of us spend our entire lives critically judging ourselves, looking for an answer, needing to be right. (I’ve destroyed a few relationships based on the need to be right) What if something else is possible? What if being the question is the answer you’ve been seeking? A question always empowers, an answer always disempowers.
Asking questions gives you awareness of what could be possible, of the choices you could make. Figuring out a solution makes you look for the right answer. There is almost never a right answer and so you ending up overthinking rather than asking questions that would allow you to create something different. Asking open ended questions show you an array of possibilities that are far beyond your wildest dreams.
Next step... try a class or session and watch your life change!
What if ask and receive is real and you're an infinite being?
What can you ask for now that you can receive?
What can I contribute to you, your life & future?
I would love to meet you in person one day,
Julie xo
Asking open ended questions shows you an array of possibilities that are beyond your wildest dreams.

what's it like to work with julie?

What's like to work with Julie? - Julia Sotas

What's like to work with Julie? - Teresa Thompson